Thursday, July 12, 2007

I talked to Tom Green...

Some of you may not know, but I'm a huge fan of Tom Green. I used to watch him back in the day on MTV, but lost track of him after his second series. But my BFF Chris DiBari got me back into listening. Ryan Stegman, Chris, and I talk on Skype and listen to him on his internet show while we draw every night. I finally got up the courage to call in, so it was cool getting to talk to him and be the final caller on the second half of the broadcast. It's like 15 minutes, so you can skip ahead to the end. Either way, I'm definitely calling in again.

Monday, July 09, 2007


I think it would be cool do do something with Nightcrawler. When I was a kid, I used to think he and Colossus were the coolest. Especially when the arcade game was out (the X Men side-scrolling fighter). I miss when he was more of a high-octane, swash-buckling character. Less intense and ultra-Catholic priest type. That's emotionally draining and kind of kills some of the thrill the character presents. I like to think of him more set up for intense, 80's movie style non-stop action. But also with a kind-hearted side.