It's been a while since I used any digital watercolor techniques, but now I feel as though I can utilize them in a more grounded approach. With this drawing, it just made more sense to use this technique than anything else.
Some back-story on this. Predator was a movie that dazzled me at a young age. My parents took my brother and I to the drive in theater to see a family-oriented film. My brother would probably remember what it was, but that wasn't what caught my attention. My parents made us dress up in our pajamas so we could go straight to bed when we got home, but we also brought blankets. At the drive-in there was a screen behind us, there were about 5 or so movies going on at the same time. Well, I kept pretending to fall asleep then turn around and watch it without sound until my parents would catch me. When I was in pre-school, my mom was in the hospital at the time. My dad rented movies and made sweet-rolls for my brother and I to keep our minds off of things. He brought home "Predator," and even though at four years old I couldn't comprehend what all was going on, I knew that I loved every minute of it.
The next day at pre-school, my best friend at the time had her grandfather visit and talk about his experience in the military. I asked a bunch of questions and then I went off on a tangent about Predator, and then said "ugly motherfu..." then the teacher quickly shut me up. My dad was told about the incident, and he kind of laughed it off later.
Anyway, still dig the heck out of the character even though Paul W.S. Anderson did his best to try and ruin it for me. But whatever...still cool...