Sunday, May 31, 2009

Post 382

I was searching through my old files, and found this little gem, from sometime early last year for an outlandish project (even for MY standards) that just never came to be. 'Beefcakes of the Civil War', an idea I threw out as a joke, but gathered stem for a while. It involved flex battles, and an epic arm-wrestling tournament/battle that was a long continuous shot much like in Nextwave, also a steam-powered mechanized flex-bot to fight against the Union...yeah, I even think I'm weird sometimes...

Maybe one day it'll happen. I just need the right motivation, and somebody to flesh it out better. I have all these ideas, but little to no motivation to write for myself. Lots of artists want to be that 'writer/artist' combo. I'm just an artist. It's not like I can't write, it's just that writing so many papers in college really killed the fun of writing for me. I'd be good at pitching, or if I was writing on a sitcom I'd do great, but for some reason with comics it's different for me.


Benito said...


This is the best, yeah.

Tommy Smith said...

This proves you should draw an Immortal mini for Kirkman. That's saying a lot since it's my personal dream project.

OHOTNIG (a.k.a. OXOTHUK) said...

Nice! Wery wery nice, as always!